Printoasis – Online Custom Printing Services eCommerce




  • Home page slideshow – fully customizable, easy to use with unlimited creativeness.
  • Slideshow + banners – additional banners (can be disabled) at the right or left side of the slideshow.
  • Left – Right Side Bar + Main columns layout – you can choose the layout of the home page: 1, 2 or 3 columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks.
  • List of categories – display block with the list of all categories in one of the sidebars, the categories is automatically links to its stores – support Multiple Stores
  • Testimonials sliders – display block with the testimonials our your customer and its content can be adjusted easily in admin
  • Parallax Support – You can use a full Parallax layout with just images, text, videos and some products blocks or just insert a custom block with Parallax background
  • Videos Support – use video clips inside your home page layout as easily with our custom block or insert video directly into your sliders. The videos can be inserted from Vimeo or Upload on your website server.
  • Tab Product – display products in tab with different transition effect
  • Brand slider – present all brands on the home page
  • “Promotion Products” slider – display selected products on any page.
  • “New Products” slider – automatically display products marked as “new”. Configure the number of products, scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling
  • Recent Works – display recent works to demonstrate best products
  • Services Block – display services which company delivery
  • Blogs Post – display blog post any sections of website and have variety of options
  • Step for sales – display step by step of buying process for buyer
  • Advertisement Banner – display columns of custom banners using fluid grid system and all images is responsive


  • Flexible columns layout – there are 2 different layouts ( 2 and 3 columns) to choose to display products details
  • Fully configuration – each elements can be on/off, adjust colors, link, sizes…
  • Side bar – left / right which can used 4 block of content included Related Products, Upsell Products, Store Logo and Custom Static Block
  • Products block – can configured the numbers of products, its descriptions, reviews or products and the slider transition effects
  • Product Images – can configure the width of media files and image zoomer – enable/disable product image gallery with previous/next buttons and image thumbnail slider – enable automatic scrolling, control the width and height and number of images thumbnail.
  • Universal product type support
    1) Simple product – a simple physical product that is sold at the store.
    2) Configurable product – a single product with options such as size and color
    3) Grouped product – a set of simple products, ex: a set of a cell phone, case and wireless charger
    4) Bundle product – allows customers building product they want
    5) Downloadable product – such as: software, music files, ebooks, e-magazines
    6) Virtual products – product type represents the services one might offer at the store
    7) Subscriptions – allows customers subscribing to products interested, customer will be charged automatically every set period.
  • Brand logo – Logo can be a link to product list the same manufacture.
  • Product Detail Tab – select to display in tab or not, types of tabs,
  • Customizable image size on product page. Specify any size you like, images don’t have to be square – you can keep the aspect ratio
  • Cloud Zoom + Lightbox – product image zoom. Use one of those methods or both at a time. Cloud Zoom can be displayed inside or outside the main image.
  • Tabs/accordion – tabs smoothly turns into accordion on narrow screens
  • “Additional Information” tab for individual product attributes– create and display custom product attributes
  • 2 tabs for custom content – ready to display any static content: info about shipping, returns, sales, promotions or any other general information
  • Tabbed reviews – show product reviews on product page to improve SEO
  • Related Products and Up-sell Products blocks with custom content. Replace completely or replace only if the product does not have any related/up-sell products. Or disable those blocks completely with just one click


  • Fluid product grid – select the number of products displayed in a single row on category pages. Display from 2 to 8 products per row for each screen size.
  • Category width – Show category page full screen or boxed (use container width of bootstrap)
  • Category template – Show category page with 1 column, 2 column left, 2 columns right
  • Grid: Column count (Large screen) – number of product in row on device large screen
  • Grid: Column count (Medium screen) – number of product in row on device medium screen
  • Grid: Column count (Small screen) – number of product in row on device small screen
  • Grid: Column count (XSmall screen) – number of product in row on mobile screen
  • Info align – alignment information display(Left, Center or Right)
  • Show add to cart button – Show or hide add to cart in category view
  • Show add to compare button – Show or hide add to compare in category view
  • Show quick view button – Show or hide quick view button in category view
  • Show products name – Show or hide product name in category view
  • Show products price – Show or hide product price in category view
  • List – Show products short description: Show or hide product short description in category view (mode list)
  • Show products review – Show or hide product rating in category view
  • Sidebar category menu – configure additional menu (see section above)
  • Ajax filter – Filter products by attributes (price, color, size, brand…
  • 5 Footer Layouts – you can select to display the footer in different ways to fit with your business profiles
  • Back to Top button – use can come back to top any time which this button
  • Payment Icons – this is a must for must shopping sites and we have it ready for you
  • Copyright Disclaimer– ready to use and is standard feature for ecommerce sites
  • Footer Menu – is custom block and can be changes color, links, contents easily in back end
  • Social Media Icons – can link to your own social media profiles like Facebook, twitter, linked
  • Logo & Store Intro Text – to display the store logo and introduction text to improve the brand awareness


  • Contact us – full form with submit content and Google maps for address
  • About us
  • Portfolio
  • 404 pages
  • Cart
  • Wishlist
  • Terms & Conditions
  • FAQ
  • User Profiles
  • Newsletter
  • Order Confirmation
  • Add to compare – custom layout
  • Log-in / Log out Page – custom layout
  • Banner – display banner in anywhere such as left/right side bar, blog and main body sections. All banner support responsive features.
  • Blog – left/right column layout, latest post with thumbnail images, single post layout support comments and social shares


  • Create multiple wishlists: users will be able to create and manage multiple wishlists, in case they prefer to split the products by category or by other paratemeters
  • Ask for an estimate for the products in the wishlist: let users send the wishlist to the administrator of the e-commerce to ask for a custom estimate about the product they are interested in
  • Allow searching user’s wishlists: add a search form in the site to let people consult public wishlists
  • Add to cart some or all products in the wishlist: so that your users can decide whether to select some or all products in their wishlist and go to checkout page with a simple click only.
  • Display a table with popular products of your shop: see which products appear most frequently in your users’ wishlist and make special offers for them
  • Display links for creating, manage and search wishlist: so that your users can directly access them from the wishlist table.
  • Inform and invite unlogged users to register: so that they can benefit from all wishlist features
  • Send a promotional email: the best way to tell your users about special offers, or to propose a unique one by yourself!
  • See the date of addition of a product in a wishlist: for a precise and aimed check to offer more information to your clients.


  • Show the comparison in another page: a page that you can add even among the entries of your shop menu.
  • Compare elements by category: removing every doubt of your customers thanks to the compare by category option.
  • Exclude specific categories: in this way, they won’t be available for the comparison and, on the contrary, you can even activate only those selected to be compared.
  • Add an image ahead of the table: customize the comparison table as you want!
  • Compare always the product information: no more comparisons with empty fields: these will be automatically hidden!
  • Share the comparison on social network sites: create your comparison and share it on facebook, twitter, google+ and pinterest.
  • Show immediately the related products: thanks to a slider under the table that shoes the products with the same category/tag!
  • Change style and colors: make the plugin totally compatible with the layout of your site!
  • Customize attributes: add those you want for your products and make them appear in the comparing tables.
  • Create a table with the desired products


  • Choose what type of button to display: decide whether to display a quick view button or a customized icon to access the quick view, and decide where to place it, near add to cart button or within the product image.
  • Browse products within quick view: so that you can quickly move to the previous or next product. Without leaving the window
  • Choose information to display: you can decide if displaying all information of just part of it.
  • Choose displaying method for quick view: as modal window or with a cascading unrolling effect
  • Access product detail page from quick view: thanks to the additional “view details” button
  • Share quick views in social media: to be social-friendly and share quick views of your products on face book, twitter, pinterest, google+, or send an email
  • Customize style: you can decide colors of the “quick view” button and everything that is within the modal window.
  • Place the quick view where you want


  • Muti – language support.
  • multi-currency support.
  • Seo friendly.
  • multi- google fonts.
  • works perfectly with all browsers. compatible well with all browsers such as: ie, safari, chrome, firefox and even opera.
  • optimized speed. load speed is completely optimize about code and images. your customer will love how fast the website is.
  • Fully Responsive layout
  • Fully Customizable
  • Full typography control
  • Full screen video and image slider
  • Customizable with Google Maps
  • Creative portfolio layouts
  • Wonderful Blog layouts
  • Advanced font options

Additional information


Software Framework

PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Native Java, Android Studio

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux

